Tuesday 22 August 2017

Weigh In Day - Enough is Enough

This morning was weigh in day.
Even though I haven't been careful about making healthy food choices or working out, I am still making a point of weighing myself.
I am hoping it will SHOCK me into doing something about it.
257.4 lbs
I can't keep this up.
Enough is enough, Today is the Day!
That is the message I am giving myself today.

I wrote a little thank you card to my Auntie B for letting us stay at her place when we visited PEI.
I sent it off in the mail at lunch time.
My good deed for today.

The eclipse was happening today.
I didn't realize it was going to happen at 11:35 am, for some reason I thought it would be tonight.
None of us at the office had the proper glasses for it so we couldn't look directly at it.
It was extremely bright so I am not sure how one would be able to look directly at it anyway.
I did point my camera up there though and this was all I got for a photo.
My Honey took a few nicer shots with his camera.

I stopped an picked up a salad mix for lunch.

While I was making it, mom arrived home from her Saskatchewan trip.
The couple she went with brought us lots of fresh veggies from their garden.
Including green & yellow beans, yum, yum.
Can't wait to cook them up.

My package from Zenni arrived today, that was quick.
It said to allow 6 - 8 weeks for delivery when I ordered them but it took no time at all.

They each came in their own seperate case - I like the color.

There they all are, a pink, a blue and a black/clear set.

I tried all three pairs on - the pink pair.

The blue pair.

And the black/clear pair.
I don't really have a favorite, I like them all.
Not bad considering I paid $38 (US) for all three pairs and shipping.
That's a far cry from the $500+ I paid at the optometrist for one pair.
The arms on the pink and blue pairs feel a little flimsy and I didn't get any protective coating but even if I get a few months use out of each pair, I feel like I most definitely have gotten my money's worth.
After work I had an appointment for a massage.
While I was up there waiting, my phone died so I couldn't take any pictures.
The massage was great.
My masseuse went to Montanna for a few days this summer to learn about Hand Reading.
It is similar to palm reading so she did a little of mine.
She is still just learning but I do find it so interesting.
Normally she said what they do is take a print of your two hands and then study the print.
I told her she could practice on me whenever she wanted.
After the massage I didn't feel much like cooking up a big meal so I threw together some sloppy joe's and cooked them up.
They tasted pretty darn good.
Mom was watching a show so I played a little Candy Crush.
Then we watched a couple episodes of You Gotta Eat Here before heading off to bed.
Tomorrow night I have to head straight to the golf course after work for men's night but on Wednesday I am making a promise to myself right now that I am going to get a work out in.
That's if for now, until next time, be happy!

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