Monday 14 August 2017

Another Visit to the Dentist

I was happy to see when I came back to work yesterday that the flowers I picked up for the office entrance seem to be flourishing - especially in comparison to the ones I have at home.

They are looking so full and beautiful.

Started scratching a ticket on break.
First two letters were My Honey & my initials so I thought that was a sign of luck.
It wasn't!

I had to go to the dentist in WCT so offered to drop some boxes of files off at our office there.
My Honey was coming with me so he stopped by to help me load them up (he actually did all the loading while I was on a phone call).

Today I had what I hope was my final visit for my crown.
I had the permanent crown installed and all seemed to go well.

We went to Original Joe's for lunch and it was such a gorgeous day out that we opted to sit outside.
They had lots of beautiful flowers all around their patio area.

My Honey busy writing down things he wants to google later.

This  extra spicy virgin ceasar hit the spot today.
I think I drank it in two gulps and it tasted so good that I ordered another.

Being Silly.

Being silly together.

I ordered their brussel sprouts as an appetizer - these are so scrumptious.
They are crispy and a little salty.
Theres bacon cut up in it and this cream sauce - it is just oh so good.

My Honey had the Wicked Thai soup which was pretty tasty as well.

Supper for me was a chicken ceasar salad - it was really good.
It had real bacon and parmesan slivers which was nice, you don't always get that in a ceasar salad.

My Honey had this noodle bowl which he enjoyed.

Afterwards we went for ice cream.
There are so many choices - hard to pick just one.

My Honey is armed and ready to go.

I picked the Lemon Pie (not as lemony as I would have liked) and the Nanaimo Brownie (it was just ok).
I enjoyed it but don't think I would order those flavors again.
There was a family there ordering ice creams when we arrived so I offered to pay for their ice creams for my good deed.
She thanked me but said she had already paid.
After we finished getting our ice creams, she came back and said her youngest had just woken up and wanted an ice cream now so I asked her to allow me to pay for it and she did.
I think it made her happy - I know it made me happy.

We had to pick up a few differant alcoholic beverages for the golf course.
We ended up going to 4 differant liquor stores in town just to find all of the things that we were looking for.

We picked up a few other supplies as well then headed to the casino.

My Honey gave me $20.00 to gamble - I lost it all 😡

We did have some supper before we left there.
I had boneless dry garlic ribs.

I also had sweet potato fries with mayo to dip them in.
They were what I was in the mood for.
I couldn't finish them all so I took some home for mom who is getting home today.
She arrived in Edmonton at 10:10 this morning and my brother was picking her up so she should be home by the time we get back home.

He ordered the chicken tikka masala but they didn't have any so he had to go for his second option.
He was bummed a little but only for a minute.

Is it weird that I am insanely excited about the new marker pens I picked up for myself tonight?
Can't wait to use them!

It was a little late when we got home but we did have a chance to sit together for awhile and watch some tv and mom was home so I gave her the sweet potato fries.
We chatted with her a little too about her trip - she had a good time but is happy to be back home and looking forward to sleeping in her own bed again.

Then we went outside for awhile for our annual watching of the Meteorites.
It was really chilly so I did not stay out long but we saw a few good ones
Tomorrow night is supposedly the best night for a show so we plan to come out here tomorrow night with a better set up and watch for a good long time.

Another good day in the life of April.

Until next time, be happy!

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