Tuesday 29 August 2017

Finally Started GoT Over Here!

My Honey arrived home sometime during the night so I was happy to see him this morning.
I missed him.
A lot of this went on in the house today.
My Honey dropped out to the golf course briefly and when he got back, we decided to start watching a new show together.
We are only about 6 years late hopping on the band wagon but better late than never as they say.
My brothers and my friend Ms PP in PEI have been raving about this show for years but I was never sure if it would be up my alley.
I am not really into violence, I can't even watch boxing or UFC fighting, and I knew it had some gory stuff in it so I just had no interest.
I knew My Honey would like it though and so I decided to give it a try.
I loved it.
Throughout the day, we watched 5 episodes of it.
I would have watched more if it wasn't so late.
The gore doesn't bother me that much, not sure if it's because I know it's fake or what but surprisingly, I really enjoy the show.

I picked up a trout at Costco on Friday so My Honey cooked it up for us for supper.

I finally got around to cleaning all the garden bounty mom's friend had dropped off last week so we had some beets and new potatoes roasted.

Then we also had green & yellow beans and fresh shucked peas.

It was a delicious supper.
Boy do I wish I had a garden of my own.
I had also picked up some strawberries so I cleaned them all up and made a suggestion to My Honey that some biscuits would be really good to go with them.
Being the wonderful fellow that he is, he cooked up a batch for us.
That is not an exageration.

We had some cool whip in the fridge so strawberry shortcakes for dessert it was!
And they were delightful!
Some memories popped up on Facebook from our trip to NS/PEI in 2014.

This is my boy and I, my dear dear old friend and her son.
We lived on either side of a duplex for years and our boys were great friends growing up.

It was also the first time I took My Honey back there to show him all my old haunts.
I can't wait until I can take him back again.
I do love it here where I live but I love it back in the maritimes as well and always enjoy my visits back there.
Getting to share those visits with My Honey make them even better.
So all in all, it was a pretty quiet day around here but a very nice one.
I am feeling ready to get back on track as far as health & fitness go.
I know my weigh in tomorrow is not going to be pretty but I am doing it anyway.
It will be back on the wagon after that.
Until next time, be happy!

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