Wednesday 2 August 2017

Happy Birthday Little Mr.D!

This morning's treat (good deed) was for Ms SG.
She said she likes these so I was glad.

Tomorrow another of our coworkers, Mr JRA is turning 60.
We usually decorate offices for big milestone birthdays so I picked up a few supplies in the city this weekend in anticipation of it.

Some handy things for old timers...

and some decorations.

Our lead admin from St. Albert came to the office to visit with us today.
I was pretty busy with meetings most of the day but was able to do some rearranging so I could join her (Ms BB) and Ms'BK & SG for lunch.
I had a chicken quesadilla and it was really good.

My sheets came in today - yay!
Can't wait to try them out.

SIL posted this picture today of my nephew Mr.H, awww, he is just so darn adorable.

After Mr JRA finally left, Ms SV, Ms BK and I scrambled down to his office to decorate.

I left all the goodies that should be helpful in his old age on his desk for him. ha ha!

I especially like the lanyard with the "if lost or confused return to..." message.

The Slow Senior Zone caution sign was cute too.

We got it together pretty quickly.

I think it looks great!

I left him a treat for the morning too.

I had lots of stuff that I wanted to get done at home so I headed there straight away and got right to it.
I even got my new sheets washed and put on the bed.

Lots of Facebook memories were popping up from August 2nd's in the past.
The long weekend normally falls right around this time so we usually try to go somewhere.

This was last year (2016) we took a trip to Prince Rupert and we were having supper on a balcony of a restaurant right by the dock.
It was so nice.
The meal was delicious too.

Earlier that day we went on a whale watching tour.

We saw some beautiful scenery...

and some bald eagles up close (we also got to see whales).

This was crossing over the confederation Bridge on our way to PEI in 2014.
I always get excited when we are almost there.

This was on a trip to BC we took in 2013, we were trying out a place that was on You Gotta Eat Here.
I was working out daily back then and feeling really great about myself.

This was the scenery as I was eating my dinner.

This was a baby moose we saw along the side of the highway.
He was completely oblivious to all the folks that stopped to take his picture and he wasn't that far from us.
He just continued on eating as though we weren't even there.

This was a selfie that same year.
I was trying to capture all that gorgeous scenery in the background - pictures can never do it justice though.

And for the biggest news of the day........
This little fellow here turned 5 today!!!
Wowzers, 5 already.

My sister posted this picture of him today and he is looking so grown up.
I am thrilled that I am going to be seeing him tomorrow!!!

I love him to pieces and can't wait to give him a big hug.

I spent most of my evening getting caught up in my blogging and I still need to pack.
My flight leaves at 1 pm tomorrow so I will have to leave here by 7am at the very latest tomorrow to get to the airport in plenty of time and I most definitely don't want to be late.

Until next time, be happy!!!!!

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