Wednesday 9 August 2017

Quick Trip to PEI - Day 2

Woke up to lots of face that I love - made me so happy!

Mr D - how I love that dear little face.

Ms TG - didn't get a picture of her last night for some reason?
She is loving her job and life in general right now and it shows - so happy for her!

My Auntie C (my mom's sister) who is like a second mom to me - love this lady right here heaps and heaps.

My sissy! Of course I love this chickie - makes my heart sing to be with my family.

Mr's E & D were putting legos on the kitties but they didn't seem to mind.

Had to put another picture here because they are just so adorable.

Seems like every time I get them to smile for a picture, the smile goes away before I get a chance to snap the picture.
He sure has grown since I saw him last - he is getting quite tall.

My cousin AG was showing us how the kitty likes to sit on his shoulder.

Ha ha, I think they get tired of me taking so many pictures.

There was a chipmunk in the yard.
Hard to see him but he is just off of the deck kind of in the center.

The kitties could sure see him and they were watching his every move - so was Mr D

Mr D just loves kitties and he was saying his good byes before we left.

This is their yard - so pretty.
I've been visiting here my whole entire life and don't think I've ever appreciated it's beauty as much as I do now that I can't get there as often.

Getting the boys and the luggage into the car so we can head up west to my Grandma's.

My cousin AG had gotten some quahogs today so he gave me a few.

Another view of the yard....

and the house.

This house is across the street - it is the home my father grew up in.

It was sold years ago and so is no longer lived in by family but it is always nice to see it and remember good times we had there.

We stopped in to visit my Aunt M - my dad's youngest sister - who lives just up the street now.
It was nice to see her, it's been some time.
We visited for a bit but the boys were getting restless because they had nothing to do so we headed into Summerside.
I missed Mr D's birthday so I said he could pick something out at the store for his gift and told Mr E I would get him something as well.

Summerside is such a pretty city, I would absolutely live there.

First stop was Water Street Bakery for some lunch.
They make great pizza.

I had a slice of Hawaiin and a slice of Cheeseburger.
The Cheeseburger had mustard and ketchup on it for the sauce instead of pizza sauce and it was super good.

We also bought a few lot of other goodies to take with us to my Grandmothers.

My beautiful sissy!

Ha ha - I was trying to get him to smile for a picture but he just wanted to make faces instead.

Couldn't ask for better company to enjoy my lunch with.

If you are ever in Summerside, you should check this place out.

They had this whole floating park you could pay to go play on.

We didn't have time for it right now but we did go and check it out.

Lots of folks were lined up to go on it.

They had this bouncy ride too - my sister said she would like to try it sometime but I don't think my stomach would be too happy with me if I did.

I thought these big trees were gorgeous.
I do have a thing for trees.

We headed to Walmart but turns out Bell Aliant was down and so the debits weren't working ANYWHERE!  The bank machines were all down as well and cell phones.
It was crazy.
I had no cash so we weren't able to shop and so just headed to Anglo, Tignish to my Grandma's.

Wasn't long before these Mr E was out.

Mr D couldn't keep his eyes open either.

There it is, my Grandma's house.
My grandfather was born in this home and lived there his entire life.

Lots of family was already there sitting in the yard enjoying the sunshine and each others company.
My Uncle and 3 of my Aunts and a cousin.

My cousin, her hubby and mom.

Everyone is so relaxed.

More pretty ladies.

It's like musical chairs though, if you get up to go do something, chances are you will have to find a new place to sit when you come back.

My Uncle J opened up some quahogs - there are a few of us that like to eat them raw.

This is what it looks like opened.

Ms TG likes them too - it's similar to eating a raw oyster but with it's own flavor and perhaps with a little more chew to it.

Playing a game of Yardzee - Ms TG and Mr G who was just meeting the family today for the first time.
I figure it can be a little overwhelming as there are a lot of us.

We had some supper.
I was so excited to have a hot dog in my favorite hot dog bun.
They are so soft and for whatever reason you can't buy them in Alberta so I always make sure to have one when I go back home for a visit.

My cousin, Ms PD,  made strawberry lasagna and it was sooooo deliciouos.
She always makes the best desserts - interesting ones too.

You know supper was good when everyone has to stretch out and relax afterwards.

A few of us decided to go to the beach for a walk and look for some sea glass, a favorite past time of ours.

Mr D - I think the sun was a tad bright for him.

Someone else had done this on the beach and we came across it.
I had to borrow Ms PD's camera to take a picture because I forgot my phone.

Little Miss A got a little wet and dirty down at the beach - oh well though, as long as she had fun!

Miss K found a few treasures on the walk.

While we were down on the beach, the Aunties & Uncles went in to town to get their pictures done by the Church.
It isn't often that they are all together so they wanted to take advantage.
This is my grandma, my mom and all my aunts and uncles.

From sad....

to semi-happy.....

That's better!

My cousin Ms A tells the funniest stories - she is such a hoot and always makes me laugh.
I really enjoy her company!

My cousin Ms PD and her hubby Mr BD.
I didn't get to see her as much this trip as I would have liked - next time.
They recently went on a trip to Australia to visit her sister and she brought back souvenirs for everyone (so thoughtful of her)!
I picked out a shot glass and a kangaroo key chain.

They are heading there again for another visit in 2019 - I am going to try to plan to go at the same time.

It may work out, it may not but at least it is something to consider and keep in my mind.

My Auntie V doesn't like getting her picture taken and usually hides but I caught a nice one of her here.

My cousin R and My Auntie A - I love that our family likes to get together and hang out.
I wouldn't want it any other way.

Mom picked up a triffle from the bakery in town for dessert and I finished it off.

We have a few birthdays in August - Miss K in particular so we had a cake and we were all preparing to sing her Happy Birthday.

Mr D came in and saw the cake and as it was his birthday too recently, he thought it was for him so was a little upset when he discovered it wasn't.

We all sang to Miss K first and then we relit the candles and sang to Mr D and let him blow out the candles too - he felt better after that.

There are a lot of us so if you want a chair you have to be quick!

After cake, everyone headed home.
Mom, myself, my sister and the boys stayed with my Aunt B & Uncle W.

I had a look at facebook and a few memories popped up from last year.

Tomorrow is Miss A's birthday (I'm going to miss her party since I am in PEI) and last year we must have got together and celebrated a day early.
This is her opening her gift.

This is Mr H just one year ago - he has grown so much.

He was really getting into making all kinds of silly faces.

Well that's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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