Thursday 24 August 2017

Our Little TP Thief

I almost got up early and worked out this morning and then I didn't.
I feel like it will go a long way in helping me be successful in my weight loss/fitness goals so I keep trying, I just always feel so darn tired in the mornings.
Plus the bed feels so cozy and the company is so nice that I don't want to leave.
I am convinced though that one of these mornings I am just going to get at it and get it done.
I know once I have a few morning work outs under my belt that it will just get easier to do from there.

This is what My Honey found in the hallway this morning when he opened the bedroom door.

Ha ha, the professor LOVES toilet paper.

Ms BK was back to work today so I let her pick her little notebook and this is the one I ended up with.
I think it is a perfect message for me!

The flowers I picked up for .50 cents are looking pretty darn good.

I love the colors, they are so vibrant.

Ran out of hamburger buns, so made sloppy joes on weight watchers bread for mom & I for lunch.

I headed straight out to the golf course after work for mens night.
The special was salsa chicken, broccoli casserole and hash brown casserole, I had a little of each for my supper.

Dessert was chocolate cake with glazed strawberries and whipped cream.
So yummy and I am glad I had a piece when I did because we ran out.

It was our busiest Mens Night yet.
It was late when I got home and then My Honey & I watched the season finale of Face Off.
Our favorite - Andrew - was the winner - YAHOO!
He really does fantastic work, they all do but he just had that extra something.

My son and his girl on their trip to Jasper earlier this year.
One of them updated their profile picture with this today and I thought it was a nice picture.
I just love that they are getting out and going on adventures together.

This memory popped up on Facebook from August of 2014.
I cannot believe how much all three of them have grown since then.
They are still babies here and not they are practically grown up
(not really but sometimes I miss those little baby faces)!

That's a wrap for today.
Until next time, be happy!

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