Wednesday 2 August 2017

Weigh In Day

Today was weigh in day.
I knew it wasn't going to be good but I did it anyway.
253.4 lbs
So that's up - not the way I want to go but it isn't the end of the world.
I am so far off the wagon right now I am having a hard time getting back on but I will.

This morning's good deed was for Ms BH.
She just came back from 2 weeks of vacation so thought she could use a nice little treat today.

My Honey texted me this cute picture of Professor Snuggles this morning - his message was "aren't we the luckiest parents in the world?".
Ha ha, he always cracks me up.
I was concerned because it looks like PS has a hold of my dolls leg but My Honey assured me that wasn't the case.
He did chew up the face of another of my dolls on a separate occasion so I had reasonable cause to worry.

When I got home she was indeed perfectly fine.

Our former admin lead was at the office today working.
She came to town for a birthday party tonight for another former co worker so we took her out to lunch.

Ms RH (the birthday girl), Ms BK and Ms BH.
Ms RH is turning 60 on Thursday - doesn't she make 60 look awesome?
She has always taken care of herself and it absolutely shows.

Ms SG, Ms SV and moi.
I hate seeing these pictures of myself, I look so huge but I also don't want to regret down the road not being included in all the photo memories that I have.
It's a bit of a reality check too which won't hurt.

We got together and bought Ms RH a Pandora charm for a gift.

I couldn't take a picture because they gift wrapped it in the store but I found a picture of the one we picked for her.
It is a family tree and it symbolizes how she is like part of our family.
I think I am so blessed to work at a place where we consider each other to be like family, not everyone has that.

It was back to work for the afternoon then back out to the golf course to celebrate another former coworkers birthday.

Ms MN retired recently and she is turning 65 tomorrow.
We all got together and got her a gift too - she loves online shopping so we got her gift cards for amazon so she could shop away to her hearts content from the comfort of her home.

They had wine for the tables and I just felt like having a glass so I did.
It was just a little glass and I drank it in about two gulps.
It was good though and I am not normally a fan of wine.

My Honey cooked the supper.
It was roast beef, bbq chicken, homemade beans, Caesar salad and baked potatoes with all the trimmings.
It was delicious.

The birthday cake had edible paper butterflies on it.
I didn't try one but some of the kiddos that came did, they said they didn't really taste like anything.

The birthday girl.

Blowing out the candles.

It was a really nice party, lots of her friends and family came.
She brought some old pictures and a scrapbook that her sister had made for her.
Ms RH and I took the time to look through it and read it.
You could just tell that a lot of effort and love went into the creation of it.
It made me want to make them for my brothers & sisters and my son.
One of these days I will finally get to it.

I had a piece of cake too, there was white and chocolate so I had a little of both.

I stayed and helped clean up after the party so it was after 9 before I got home.
I got a load of laundry going and did a bit of clean up.
I am leaving on Thursday and have a busy week so I need to fit things in where I can.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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