Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Sneaker Research and Training Plans (Jan.30, 2024)

Jason and I watched a vlog on The Running Channel about 4 different kinds of Nike super shoes and how they faired out and the new Nike Alphafly 3's were the clean winner.

Jason is thinking about getting himself a new pair of sneakers so I did a bit of a search to see what I could find this morning.

I did find a pair of the new Alphafly 3's in his size (he's a 13/14) and I had heard they were around the $700 mark so this seemed like a good deal.
I sent it to Jason and he said he could hardly believe he was looking at a pair of shoes that were nearly 500 bucks and that was a good price.

I think he'd like to try them in person though and he's eyeing up some Puma's and Saucony's as well so we may take a trip into the city to see what he can find and try on in person.

I had a speed workout on the training plan today and since I'm curling a make up game tonight, I made sure to get it done on my lunch hour.
The workout was:
10 min Easy run
5 (1 min Hard Run, 2 min Walk)
5 min Easy run

I followed this same plan for the Tucson half marathon and I liked it so I'm following it again but this time, I'm going to bump up my effort.

So for example, last time for my Easy run I ran at a speed of 4.0 on the treadmill and my Hard run was at a speed of 4.5.

Today I did my first 10 min at a speed of 4.2.
My first min hard running was at 5.0 then I bumped up each consecutive time so I did 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5.
Then for my last 5 minutes of Easy running I did it at a speed of 4.5.
I want to get it so that my 'Easy' running pace is 4.5 and maybe even higher but the end of this 13 week training session.
I want to push myself a bit more than I did last time - I think I need to do that to make progress.

So it was a bit harder of a workout than what I've been doing recently but it felt great when I finished.

I wore my Saucony Endorphins - I have a few pairs of sneakers that I rotate through for running on the treadmill.
I've been keeping track of my runs in a running log and there is a spot to put in what shoes you wore and I decided to start taking a picture because by the time I fill in the log, I usually forget.

We had a make up curling game tonight.
It got off to a rough start, the other team got 4 points in the first end then another 3 in the second so we were down 7 right off the bat.
We ended up making a comeback though, even had an end where we got 4 pts ourselves.
We were all tied up going home for the 8th end then unfortunately we ended up losing in that end but it was a good, close game.

When I got home, Jason made ice cream for us.
It's 0 points on WW because it's mainly just frozen fruit and water and calorie free flavoring but it is delicious and I look forward to having it as a treat every night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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