Wednesday 17 January 2024

First Tooth Fairy Visit (Jan.15, 2024)

Monday is weigh in day - I wasn't really expecting any movement because I haven't been really doing anything but even so, I want to check in.


I was 212.6 lbs today.

That's down 1.2 lbs from last weigh in which is not bad - better than going up.

I didn't run on my lunch hour, instead, I worked on going through another bin of stuff and I started watching Fool Me Once.

Since I didn't workout at lunch, I went down after work and got a 30 minute run in, I even went a little extra just because it felt good.

Workout complete!

Nadine dropped by after my workout to get me to help her with a stencil on my cricut but I couldn't get it to work properly.
Then Kody dropped Freya off for a bit - she wanted to come for a visit.

She was so proud to show me that she'd lost her first tooth today.
Guess the tooth fairy will be coming tonight.

Jason and I both work in the morning or else we would have liked to have her spend the night but they hung out for a bit when Jason got home from work and then Kody came back and picked her up.

I do this too - I thought I was the only one.

Ha ha.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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