Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Reflecting on This Past Year and Looking Forward to the New One (Jan.1, 2024)

Well it's the first day of the week and the first day of the year.
A wonderful fresh start!

I weighed in first thing and I was 213.6 lbs.

That's up 3.4 since last weigh in - not great but not as bad as last year this time either.

Since 2023 just finished, I thought it would be a good time to look back at what my goals were for the year and just reflect on how I did with them.

I only had a couple of goals last year, I wanted to walk 13,000 steps every day, lose weight, pay down my debt and then I also wanted to run and walk a total of 2023 km for the whole year.

Here's the clip from that post

So I did pretty good with the 13,000 steps per day.
It kind of petered out for the last couple weeks of the year but I did the other 11.5 months so I'll consider that a success.

Overall I'm down in my weight, I was 219.4 Jan.1, 2023 so I'm 6.2 lbs below that which is good, but I would have like to be lower so I don't know, technically I've succeeded with that goal so I guess I'll consider that a success as well.

As far as my debt goes, my Visa is down a bit from where it was and my credit line is down to 5400 and that's after a very expensive year (the Disney trip in February was very pricey) so I think that's awesome.
I have money in the bank which I rarely do after Christmas so I consider that a success as well.

As far as the 2023 kms of biking and running, I kind of stopped keeping track of that mid year and I don't think I made it so didn't crush that goal but overall I think I did pretty dang good.

Of course new year, fresh start means new goals and my goals are pretty much the same for 2024 as for 2023 but I still want to write them out for myself.

1. Lose Weight.
 I want to get back down under 200 lbs. I know I can do it, I just need to commit. I was very close right before Christmas, I actually saw 200 on the scale one morning but only the once. But I know it's doable so do it I will.

2. Focus on Health & Being More Active
I want to continue on eating healthy and being active and ramp up my running again.
I think I'd like to try to run another marathon - I don't know if I'm up to it this year but I do know that I can do a half marathon so my goal is to run at least two of those this year.
I have a little mini goal for the month of January and that is to run 30 minutes at least every single day.
Then each month I am going to come up with a different running goal just to keep it fresh.

3. Get in at least 14,000 steps per day.
I considered bumping it up to 15,000 but reconsidered and decided bumping it to 14,000 would be better.
Even if I didn't manage to do my 13,000 every day in 2023 there were so many days throughout the year that trying to reach that daily goal got me up off my butt and being active so it's a great motivator.

4. Continue to pay down debt.
If I can continue to pay it off at the rate I did last year then I should have the credit line paid off in 2 years but if I could ramp it up and get it paid off this year that would be even better.
I did start an RRSP last year as well and an RESP for Freya which were both things that I'd been wanting to do for some time.

5.Organize and Purge
This is something I am always working at but I want to make a real effort this year to go through every part of the house and the garage and either donate, recycle or throw away anything that we don't use that is just taking up space.
I have a mini goal for the month of January relating to this one and that is to clean out one thing that I've been meaning to every day for the month.
It is such a good feeling to clean and purge and organize.

6. Be More Patient
This is a big one for me, I can be impatient sometimes and I also speak before thinking sometimes.
I want to be more aware of it, practice patience and really think before I say something that might be hurtful to someone else (even if I wasn't intending it to be) or just unnecessary.

7. Create, create, create.
I've gotten back into crafting and I'd forgotten how much I enjoy creating things.
I plan on doing a Christmas craft show next year so my plan is to work on Christmas stuff all year long so I have a good build up of stock to sell.
I have to make a point of doing it though - working a little at it and creating a couple things each week to add to my stock and to use up my stash of craft supplies is my final goal.

I think those are some loft goals but also very doable and I am looking forward to working on them this year and also to seeing what the year has in store.

Freya and I had a fun morning together.
I did have to log in and do some work - I had to finish payroll.
I almost forgot and missed the deadline but luckily I remembered in the nick of time.
That took me about an hour and Freya hung out downstairs with Mom while I did it.

Then because I'm starting with the 14,000 steps today, I needed to get something from the store so I convinced Freya to walk down there with me.

My sweetheart - I love her so much.
The store ended up being closed but she decided she wanted to go home and see Mom so we walked there and I dropped her off then went for a bit of a walk before I headed home.

My friend Nadine is going to train to become a dog groomer so she is going to practice on Morgan's new little puppy, Rex.
He belonged to Kalem's mother but she and her boyfriend split up and she had to move so Kalem and Morgan inherited a dog.
He's a pretty cute little guy.

I hopped on the treadmill to get my 30 minute run out of the way as well.
I did a 3 minute warm up and a 3 minute cool down so that's why it shows 36 minutes total.
I just ran at a speed of 4.1 on the treadmill.
I'm going to bump that up next week.

I stayed on walking on the treadmill for a bit longer just to get the rest of my steps in for the day.

So Day one is in the bag - running and step goals have been reached! 

I did a bit of work on some reindeer that I'm working on.
I glued on their noses then painted their eyes on.
They are coming along.

Then for my one item that I wanted to clean I chose our silverware drawer which was just a mess.

Everything just gets thrown in there, it was full of crumbs and sticky stuff so I pulled everything out, washed the drawer itself and all the stuff in it.
I got rid of some of the utensils in there that we've had for years but never use - I'll donate them to the second hand store.
Some stuff I just chucked out, like some pairing knives that had colored blades but the color was peeling off.
I didn't like using them anyway.

Then I put everything back in and organized it as best as I could.
Hopefully it lasts a little bit.

Then I got one more thing ticked off my to do list.
I framed Freya and Eden's Santa picture from this year.
Looking at it now though, I realize I made a mistake and it should say 2023, not 2024.
I added the snowflake embellishments and I think it looks great - it will get added to the wall next year.

Then I am back to work tomorrow, can't believe vacation is over already but time sure marches on so it was an early night for me.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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