Sunday 28 January 2024

Eden is Three Months Old Already (Jan.25, 2024)

Mom and I had dentist appointments today at  2:30 today so I just worked through lunch then left at 1, picked Mom up and headed to Whitecourt.

It was nice out today and the roads are nice and clear, no snow, which is wonderful.

The bad roads are the thing I dislike most about winter but we've been having the mildest winter, barely any snow and I am loving it.

I just had a cleaning today - no issues so that's good.

I thought Mom just wanted to get a tooth checked out that was bothering her but she apparently had wanted a cleaning but they didn't have a hygienist available to do it for her today so I'll need to make another appointment and bring her back another day.

We stopped at Walmart for a few things before heading home.

I hopped on the treadmill when we got home so I could get the rest of my steps in.
I only walked and it took me an hour.

Step goal reached for another day.
I've also been tracking my points on the WW app everyday and not going over so feeling fantastic about that.

This little cutie turned 3 months old today so Haylee posted some cutie patootie shots on Facebook that I'm going to share here.

Look at that big smile.

Love her little hat.

Just over here looking fabulous.

Serious look - check.


This elephant hat is so adorable.

Love her little grin.

Eden - we love her so much!
We are so blessed to have two gorgeous little girls that we get to love.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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