Sunday 28 January 2024

Beautiful Hoar Frost and What's It Going To Be? (Jan.23, 2024)

 The hoar frost was looking so gorgeous on the trees this morning.

I was trying to take some pictures but it was still dark out when I got to work so they aren't the best.

But I think you get the point.

The green hue does look kind of cool.


I'm not a huge fan of winter but I do have to admit that it can be beautiful.

I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch hour today and ran for 30 minutes.

Work out complete!

After work Mom and I headed over to Morgan's for her gender reveal.

She had her ultra sound today and she and Kalem took her friend Taylor along with them and Taylor was disclosed the sex of the baby.
Morgan and Kalem will find out with the rest of us.

I love the whole set up she did.
Looks great.

Excited to find out what it's going to be.

Here we go.

I had to go around the room to get everyone's guess.
Then it was time to pop the balloon.
What's it going to be?

It's a Girl!!!!
So exciting.
I can't wait to meet her.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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