Sunday 28 January 2024

Starting Back on WW (Jan.22, 2024)

Monday means weigh in day.

I was 215.4 lbs which was no surprise.

That's up 2.8 lbs from last week.
Going the wrong way April.

I am starting back with tracking points on WW today.

I did good all day and stuck to plan.
I didn't get out for any walks at all today and I had to curl tonight.
When I got to the rink I only had around 4000 steps in so I tried to walk the long way around every time I was sweeping and had to walk back to the end to sweep again.

It gave me a lot of extra steps and I ended up nearly making it to my goal of 14,000 steps by the time we finished.
It was a very close game and a long game, I think we played until after 9:30 and it ended up coming down to the last end again and we lost.

When I got home I did some walking around to get the rest of my steps in then headed off to bed.
Along with eating better and tracking my points, I'm also going to try to get myself a good sleep schedule going.

I barely slept last night and I was extremely tired this morning - I watched some videos on insomnia and it sounds like just having a consistent sleep schedule is supposed to be very helpful so I'm going to make a point of not looking at my phone before bed, heading to bed by 10, doing a little reading to wind down and hopefully getting myself to sleep by 10:30 - 11.

Sleep is so important to overall health so I really want to work on getting the sleep that I need to feel my best.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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