Sunday 14 January 2024

Winter Found Us (Jan.11, 2024)

This meme perfectly describes the situation around here right now. 

It was something like -35c this morning, -51 with the windchill factor.

Freeze your butt off cold!!!

My 15 year anniversary is coming up at work so I get to chose a gift.
(It isn't really 15 years with this company but they grandfathered in the years we had with Devon).
The only thing I was considering was the projector so I checked to see if Jason wanted anything - the projector was all that caught his eye too.
So I ordered it up.
I think maybe we'll put it in our room.

One of mom's friends posted this picture she found of Mom and my brother Rob when he was little and I just love it.

It was so cold today that I didn't want to run at lunch time - I didn't want to get all sweaty and be cold for the afternoon.
So I just went home and grabbed something for lunch then headed right back to the office thinking I'd leave early and workout then.
I ended up getting busy and forgetting to though - oops.

When I did get home, I hopped on the treadmill and got my 30 minute run done.

Bonnie gave me her recipe for Taco Soup which I decided to make for supper tonight.

I added the cheese, sour cream and tortilla chips to the top and it was so good.

It was late but I still wanted to get something organized so picked one of the drawers in the bathroom.

As per my usual, I pulled everything out, cleaned the drawer, rehomed and garbaged most of what was in there and this was all that was left.

I started watching this show last night and I'm hooked.
I was telling Bonnie about it and she said she'd watched it and recommended another one I might like that is along the same vein, Fool Me Once.

Then I saw this meme and grabbed a screenshot so I'd remember to look for it to watch.

I 1000% do this.
I never looked at it like this but I guess that's what I'm doing.

This made me LOL.

I just thought this was funny because one of my co-workers, Blair, drives around town every morning before work and at lunch - when he retires this will totally be him!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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