Sunday, 14 January 2024

Slowly Undecorating (Jan.12, 2024)

It was freezing out there again today.

It warmed up at lunch time and when I say that - I just mean comparatively.

It was -36 in the morning and -24 at lunch so when I went home at lunch time, instead of hopping on the treadmill, I decided to do some shovelling.

I did our walkway, sidewalk and a bit of the driveway.

We have such a big driveway.

After work I did a bit more of the driveway - just until my fingers were so cold that I couldn't feel them anymore.


Then I hopped on the treadmill and got my 30 minute run in.

I was tired today so I just ran at a 3.0.

I was trying to watch The Stranger but even though I had it as loud as it could go I kept having to stop the treadmill so I could hear what was going on.

After a couple times of that I decided watching it wasn't going to work - so I just turned on a decorating show for the workout.

Happy the workout is done, now I can go watch the next episode of The Stranger.

Well - maybe not.
Kody called to say that Freya wanted to come over so of course I told him to bring her on over.

I'm always happy to see her.
She and I hung out.

She made me a sandwich - love the happy face.

When Jason got home, they went down and played in the basement and I was able to watch an episode of the show while working on Christmas undecorating and purging.

I decided this year to go through all my boxes of Christmas decorations and do some purging.
There are a lot of things that I have in the boxes that I look at every year and don't put out but just leave in the container, year after year after year.

So undecorating is going to take me a long time this year but that's ok, I'm just putzing around at it and I'll get it done when I get it done - even if it takes all month, at least it will be done right!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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