Sunday 28 January 2024

The Year of the Purge Continues (Jan.24, 2024)

Jason was back to work today.

He spent a lot of time with Freya on his days off and when I found a remnant of some of their playing, a bowl of a bunch of stuff mixed up together.
I have no idea what the heck was in it but it was almost like cement.
She just loves mixing stuff up.

I got my 30 minute run done on the treadmill when I went home for lunch.
Workout done = Feeling of satisfaction.

I went through the rest of the bins I had upstairs because Mom and I are heading to Whitecourt tomorrow and I want to drop everything off at the second hand store.
I loaded up everything into the car so it will be ready to go tomorrow.

It feels so good to finally be getting rid of some of this stuff I've been holding on to for years now.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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