Wednesday 17 January 2024

A Day With My Little Girl (Jan.13, 2024)

I thought I would have a little time to myself this morning to enjoy my coffee but Freya woke up the same time as I did.
I got some cuddle time with her so that was good.

Kody and Haylee had to go to Whitecourt so they asked me if I could watch Eden and of course I jumped at the chance.

I spent A LOT of time snuggling her.

She was really good.
Kody did bring her bassinet over so I laid her in there when she fell asleep so I could continue working on going through my Christmas decorations and putting stuff away.

Freya got bored pretty quickly so she wanted Hunter to come over but he was busy so then I checked with Haylee to see if Zepplyn was home.
She was and Freya opted to go over there so Randy came and picked her up.

When Kody and Haylee came back, Kody helped me to finally get Eden's footprint done.
I have one from Freya's first Christmas so I wanted one from Eden too.

I tried 3 different kinds of clay that I had before settling on this one and I think they turned out pretty good.

They brought Zepplyn and Freya over with them - Freya was going to spend the night again but then changed her mind at the last minute.

I'm getting there with the undecorating but there is still things around here and there.

Still haven't taken the tree out yet - I think I may leave that for Jason.

The dining room is still looking quite festive but hopefully I'll get to that tomorrow.

I didn't get a run in today but I did get my 14,000 steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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