Tuesday 9 January 2024

Getting Back into the Swing of Things (Jan.3, 2023)

I had to go to work this morning so I missed out on the snuggle fest that was going on at the house after I left.
At least Jason sent me a picture.

When I went home for lunch, I hopped on the treadmill to get my 30 minute run in.
The total time includes my 3 minute warm up and my 3 minute cool down.

Always feels good to get that done.
I hopped in and had a quick shower before heading back to work.

More antics were gotten up to in my absence this afternoon.
Freya was coloring and saw Jason's foot and got a great idea.

Foot Tattoos a la Freya.

I had a massage today after work - I love massage day!

My spice cabinet is what I chose to clean and organize today.
I pulled everything out, cleaned the cabinet including all the slats on the doors.

I labelled all of the jars.
Jason had to help me with that because I wasn't sure what they all were (hence the need for the labels)

Then I just put them all back in.
Looks pretty much the same in the pictures but it is much better.

I finished up one of the reindeer I had on the go.
I gave this one hair from a mop that I had.
It looks cute but I don't think I'll do anymore that way.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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