Sunday 28 January 2024

Team B&B Wilson Wins their First Game of the Bonspiel (Jan.19, 2024)

We have a curling bonspiel this weekend and to be completely honest, I'm not really looking forward to it.

I'm sure once I get there it will be fine though.


I hopped on the treadmill at lunch to get my run in since I knew I wouldn't have time tonight.

Always feels great to get a workout done!

We had a game at 7 so I was off to the curling rink.

Kim bought us all matching sweatshirts.

Our team from left to right, Andrea (lead), Kim (skip), Steph (third) and myself (second).
We've been curling together for a few years now and as suspected, it was fun when I got there.
Kim's hubby, Craig, sponsored our team for the bonspiel so we were team B&B Wilson.

The theme of the bonspiel was tickled pink so we fit in perfectly.

I asked one of the girls there to take our picture and this is the first one she took (on purpose).
We all thought it was kind of funny.

We played against a team from town at 7 and it was a close game the whole way through but we ended up winning in the end.
I hung out briefly after the game but was home by 10:30.
Jason had Freya there, she was spending the night so I got to spend a bit of time with them before we all hit the hay.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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