Wednesday 31 January 2024

Weigh In and Half Marathon Training Begins (Jan.29, 2024)

Monday means weigh in day and for the first time in a long time I was actually looking forward to it.

I was 210.0 lbs on the nose.

That's 5.4 lbs down since last week.
I've been tracking what I eat all week and following plan on WW and it really makes such a difference.

It was a good day at work.
Today is Shennelle's birthday so Bonnie and I took her out for lunch.
We went to Sammy's in town and I had a BLT sandwich with a side salad and it was pretty darn good.
I can't believe it but I totally forgot to take pictures.

Curling was cancelled tonight and I had been planning on getting the rest of my steps in while I was there but since that didn't happen, I went down and hopped on the treadmill to get them done.

Today is the first day of the 13 week Half-Marathon training plan that I am following and it called for a rest day and I wanted to stick to that so I just walked on the treadmill.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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