Monday 1 January 2024

Puzzle Kind of Day (Dec.30, 2023)

 Since I got my blog all caught up yesterday, I let myself do what I've been looking forward to doing on the break for weeks now, a jigsaw puzzle.

I slept in a bit and when I got up, I had a couple coffees, cleaned up a bit and then cleared off the table so I could have a space to do the puzzle.

I picked one out and got started and from the time I started at noon until I finished at 7:30 I did absolutely nothing else and I do mean nothing.

I didn't eat, get dressed, brush my teeth, make my bed, answer my phone....nothing!

This is why I don't do puzzles often because I'm obsessed and compulsive - I just can't stop myself.

I want to just find one more piece, one more piece, one more piece....I can't pull myself away from it.

So this is all that I accomplished today.
Feels like a day wasted but I did enjoy making it - it will just likely be awhile before I do another.

I was just finishing up when Jason got home from work.
I brushed my teeth, ate some supper, we visited for a bit and then pretty much just went to bed.

Even though I've not been making the best food choices this holiday season, I plan on getting back to it in the New Year and this recipe looks good so I think I might give it a try.

My total step count for today is pathetic.

That's what I get for sitting at the table for 7.5 hours straight I guess.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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