Sunday 11 February 2024

Best Winter Ever (Jan.31, 2024)

We have been having an awesome winter so far and it seems to just keep getting better. 

It's been so warm that all of the snow has just about melted.

So of course I made sure I got out for a walk this morning.

This was covered with snow and now there is barely any left.

Doesn't hurt my feelings any though.

Look at my yard, it's Jan.31 and it looks like spring.

There are tiny patches here and there but that's it!

I had a 5k on the training schedule for today.
I ran at a speed of 4.5, it was hard at points but I pushed through and did it and I felt so proud.

Super sweaty and super proud.

Jason picked Freya up from school and she immediately wanted to make dough.
That's her favorite thing to do.

She's actually getting pretty good at making dough and kneading it.

They turned it into cinnamon buns.
The house smelled pretty delicious when I got home from work.

She wanted to spend the night and since Jason is on days off, we let her.
We love having her around so it's a lot of fun for us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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