Thursday 29 February 2024

Weigh In, New Book and New Furniture (Feb.20, 2024)

 It's Tuesday but since I missed weigh in day yesterday, I wanted to still get it done for this week (even though I knew I'd be up).

I was 209.4 lbs 

That is up a bit since last weigh in which isn't that surprising, I did have a few treats on the weekend but not too far off track and I'll get back to points tracking today.

Jason doesn't go back to work until tomorrow, he did a 21k run this morning then did some hanging out with Miss Hazel.

I got out for a walk this morning - we are expecting so colder weather later in the week so I want to take advantage of the nicer weather when I can.

I had a 30 minute easy run on the training schedule today so I knocked that out on the treadmill when I went home for my lunch.

Always feels good to get 'er done!

Jason got Freya's desk put together last night and she came over today and put it to use immediately.
She really likes it .

I picked up a new book on the weekend and started reading it after work today, I got right into it immediately and would have liked to just sit and read it all evening but I had to curl again tonight.
We had a make up to do.
It was another of those really close games which is good - keeps it interesting.

Jason cooked up a loaf of bread tonight - it has that kind of rustic look.

He was slicing it up when I got home from curling and I couldn't resist, I had to have a slice while it was still warm with some butter.
It was AHHHH-Mazing!

I ordered this new bookshelf for our hallway to put Freya's books on - just for easier access and Jason put it together for me tonight while I was curling.

It looks so good.

He just got a new record player so we thought it was a great place to put that and I think there will be some extra shelves for him to put some of his records out there as well.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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