Monday 12 February 2024

Lunch with the Ladies and Daily Step Goal Blunder (Feb.9, 2024)

We decided that we would head to Whitecourt today and have lunch with our former co-worker.
Well I guess she's still a co-worker, she just transferred to a different location.

We ate at Ricki's in Whitecourt which just opened recently so it was our first time there.

Bonnie and Shennelle.

Sharon and I.

I had a salad and it was super good.

We sat and chatted in the restaurant for a couple of hours - it was really nice to catch up.
Then we made a couple of stops for a few things then headed back home.

I picked up formula for Eden so I dropped it off and of course Freya wanted to come and spend the night.
I still had to do my training schedule run (4k) so Freya came down with me and at first she just watched some YouTube videos then she decided she needed to do some working out too.

Trying her darndest to pull it down.

I only had to run 2.5 miles or 4 k Easy and I did it at a speed of 4.5.

As usual, getting the workout done feels good.

When we went upstairs Freya did my make up for me.
Looks not bad.
It's all done with lip gloss so it was very hard to get off.

When Jason got home she ditched me for a bit to hang out with him downstairs then when bedtime rolled around, she was all about Grandma again.

I picked up a Disney puzzle today that had 4 different puzzles in it, 500 pieces each, so I decided to do one and as per my MO, I could not walk away from it once I started it.
I knew I didn't have all my steps in so I'd try to walk a bit then I'd be right back at the puzzle.

Around 11:10 I was working on the puzzle and I knew I needed about a thousand steps so I thought I'd just put a few pieces in then I'd go hop on the treadmill and knock out the rest of what I needed.

Freya was in the craft room with me while I worked on it and she said 'Grandma, I'm tired I want to go to bed' and I looked at my Fitbit and it was 12:15.
I couldn't believe it - totally missed getting all of my steps for a very silly reason.

There was nothing I could do about it then but I was feeling very annoyed with myself.

Clearly I can't be trusted around puzzles 😁

So I didn't reach my goal and it was for a totally dumb reason.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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