Sunday 11 February 2024

Busy Day - Massage and Meeting (Feb.7, 2024)

I saw this on Facebook this morning and thought it had a lot of good ideas.

Freya is always wanting to make crafts and I normally can't think of any ideas off the top of my head so this should help next time.
I think any of these would be easy and fun to do.

I had to run 5k today so I hopped on the treadmill on my lunch hour to get that done.
I am trying to push myself a bit harder so I ran it at a speed of 4.5.
The first 10 minutes were tough then it got a bit easier until the last 4 minutes or so when I really wanted to slow my speed down but I made myself finish and I was so proud when I did.

I was also a sweaty mess but hey - that's ok.

Kody had to work so Haylee asked if I could take Freya to dance and then pick her up.
So I did and she wanted to go to our place but I had a massage to get to.
She insisted so I took her over to mom but she insisted on getting an ice cream first.

Crystal moved into a new room and it's way bigger than the one she had before.

She has it done up quite nicely.

I thoroughly enjoyed my massage as I always do.
I went back home and had a bit of time to hang out with Freya then I had to go to an FCSS meeting for 7 pm.
I had planned on taking her home but she wanted to stay to play with Papa when he got home from work "just for a little bit".
So she stayed with Mom and I walked to my meeting.

The plan was for her and Jason to pick me up when it was done then we'd drop her off at home.

My meeting went a little later than usual and she wouldn't come with Jason to pick me up but we did manage to get her home afterwards. 

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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