Thursday 22 February 2024

Looking Forward to Weigh In Day (Feb.12, 2024)

It's Monday so that means weigh in day.

I've been following WW and being careful so I was looking forward to my weigh in - that's a good sign.

I was 207.6 lbs today 

That's down 2 lbs since last weigh in - woo hoo!

Jason posted this picture of Hazel 'attacking' Paddington.
They were just playing and Paddy Bear tolerates her but Jason just captured this moment where it looks like he doesn't.

Today was a rest day but I still wanted to get my steps in so I walked on the treadmill to get them done.
I didn't need a huge amount so it didn't take too long.

As usual, feel good to be done.
Still rocking the straight hair - I was going to wash it last night when I had a nice hot bath but decided to push it another day.

I like this little 'egg bunny'.
I might try to make some.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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