Sunday 11 February 2024

Got My Hair Did (Feb.6, 2024)

Jason and I were going to go to Whitecourt after work today so I made sure I got my workout in at lunch time.


My schedule run today was some speed work, 10 minutes Easy Run , 10 minutes Tempo Run, 10 minutes Easy Run.

I ran the Easy portions at 4.5 and then the Tempo part at 4.8.

It was tough but I did it!

Just as we were leaving to head to Whitecourt, We got a reminder from my Outlook calendar of a hair appointment with Kim at 4 pm today.
I thought it was on Thursday - Oops, good thing for reminders.

So we kiboshed the Whitecourt trip and Jason dropped me off to get my hair done.
It's about time - my grey is really coming in fast.
It makes me feel so old.

I decided to go a few shades darker this time and I'm not getting any streaks either, just one color.

Meanwhile, Jason ended up with a visitor.
She wanted to make dough.

Jason said it would have been a good biscuit but then she wanted to fill it with hot sauce and wrap it with a rice paper salad wrap and fry it.
She comes up with some strange ideas.

Grey is gone!

When I got home, I decided to straighten it.

When I straighten my hair you can really see the grey (when I have it) so when it's first dyed, it's the best time to straighten it.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Freya made a whole spread for Jason.
She had to set it all up in a particular way.
She was so proud of her work.

I had a couple of things that I was getting rid of so I took pictures to show to Haylee to see if she wanted it.
Later Kody came over to pick Freya up and I went and I lifted it up by the rope to show him and the rope broke and it dropped on the floor and smashed into about 1000 pieces.

Jason made us some ice cream and he had some snuggles with Paddington while he ate it.

Look how cozy he looks.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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