Sunday 11 February 2024

Jewelry Purge (Feb.2, 2024)

 Oh I am just loving this weather.

Jason met me and we went for a walk.

Random things you find when the snow melts.

On the training schedule for today was a 3.2k easy run.
I ran it at a speed of 4.5 - I am determined to make that my 'easy' run pace.

Workout complete.

We had Freya over for the night.
I spent the evening going through all my old jewelry that I had - I ordered some mini ziploc baggies and sorted through it all.
I ended up using over half of the bags and most of it I am going to get rid of - donate, because I don't wear it.
While I did that, Jason played with Freya all evening and kept her entertained.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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