Sunday 11 February 2024

First Shovel of the Year (Feb.8, 2024)

It's back to winter here in Alberta although we aren't getting pounded like they are back home on the East coast in NS and PEI.


I saw this recipe online this morning and it looked easy and simple and I think I might give it a try.

Haylee filled out one of those interview things on Facebook with Freya's answers and I thought they were kind of cute.
Surprised she picked chicken as her favorite food - currently she's going through a major Pogo Stick faze and it's all we can get her to eat when she comes over.

We got enough snow that I decided to shovel the walkway, sidewalk and driveway on my lunch hour.
I wanted to do it before it got walked on or driven on because then it gets packed down and harder to shovel.

I actually managed to get it all done on my lunch hour and I'm glad I did because it was nice out and after work the temperature dropped quite a bit.

Mom asked me to make her some hamburger soup so I did that when I got home after work.

Then I went down and walked on the treadmill.
It was a rest day for my training schedule but I still wanted to get my 13,000 steps.

I'm currently watching Fixer to Fabulous while I'm on the treadmill.

I got a little sweaty even though I was only walking.

When Jason came home he made us some ice cream - he makes it with frozen fruit and a few other things and it's no points so it's a great treat.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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