Wednesday 28 February 2024

Reindeer and Puzzles (Feb.15, 2024)

I am taking the afternoon off tomorrow to head to the city so I wanted to get tomorrow's run out of the way today so I did it on my lunch hour, on the treadmill.


I did 5k at a speed of 4.5.

I'm trying to make 4.5 my 'easy' pace.

I got pretty sweaty.
But it felt awesome to be done.

I still needed a few more steps when I got home from work to reach my daily 14000 goal so I walked on the treadmill to get that done and out of the way.

Freay was over with Jason and they made dessert pizza.

After I got my steps in, I went and finished up the other two reindeer that I had started.

I should have given a couple of them black noses but for some reason when I think reindeer, I automatically thing red nose.

Then I had a craving to do another puzzle so I got this one started and finished tonight.
It took me about 3 hours to do it all, it's only 500 pieces.
It's a perfect size for my puzzle obsession because once I start, I can't stop.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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