Thursday 29 February 2024

Sunny Winter Morning Walk in the River Valley (Feb.19, 2024)

 Jason headed out for a run this morning.

Today was a rest day for me but I still wanted to get out and enjoy the sunshine and get some steps in so I headed out for a walk.

I went down the stairs at the vernacular then walked along the path and back over to the Walter Dale bridge.

There is a little snow around and a slight chill in the air.

But it was just beautiful out and I enjoyed my walk so much.
I did happen to cross paths with Jason, he still had a few km's to go so we both just kept going and said we'd meet back at the hotel.

I went right by Farrow so I stopped in to see if they were open - today is a holiday so I wasn't sure if the would be - luckily they were.

I got us the System of a Hashbrown and the Chef Beef which is my favorite.

The System of a Hashbrown was tasty - I really like the bun it was on.

Then this is the Chef Beef.

I think it would be even better on a bun but it is pretty darn good just as it is.

We made a couple quick stops after we ate our breakfast then we headed home.
I had a few things I wanted to do when we got there so I didn't want to be too late.

Then I also had to go curling at 7 pm.
It was a close game - they always seem to be, but we ended up losing in the end.

That's all for today until next time, be happy!

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