Wednesday 28 February 2024

Crumble Cookie, Stone & Wheel Pizza and Obsolete Suite (Feb.16, 2024)

 Only a half day of work today - yay!

It was quite nice outside so I made sure to get out for a walk this morning.

The morning just flew by and before you know it, we were on the road to Edmonton.

One of the first stops we made was to Crumble cookie - we got four cookies to try this time.
A chocolate lave cake one, chocolate chip cooked, vanilla bean and pink and red m&m.
The vanilla bean had the fluffiest icing with just a hint of cream cheesiness to it and it was my favorite.

We did some shopping around, stopped at The Running Room for Jason to test out some new super shoes.
He's thinking of trying a new brand and ended up buying some Asics.
He's pretty excited to get out and run in them.

I tried the new Hoka Cielo's on and I just loved them but I couldn't bring myself to spend the 310.00 on them that they cost.
I'm going to have a look when we go to Vegas and see if I can find them for cheaper.

Jason found a pizza place online that he wanted to try and it was a bit of a drive to get to it but we figured why not and headed there.

It was more of a take out spot than an eat in restaurant so we placed our order then went to the coffee shop next door and got drinks while we waited.

It was a really busy spot for a Friday evening - who woulda thunk it?

They had some really nice art work up in the coffee shop that I thought was beautiful.

The pizza place was The Stone & Wheel.

We tried the dill pickle pizza.

And the pepperoni.
They were both just ok, neither knocked our socks off.
If we lived nearby we'd likely get it again but we wouldn't go out of our way for it.

We had a vrbo rented called the Obsolete Suite and I didn't really get it until we got there.
It had a bunch of decor that was things that are obsolete know, like these old typewriters.

These telephones.

There was even this pay phone on the wall.
The whole place was decorated in this funky style and it could have been over the top kitschy but they did it really well and I liked it.

This is the living room.
Kody and Eden were there when we got there.
Haylee and Crystal had taken the girls to a Taylor Swift laser dance party at the Telus Science Center.

The house was so roomy and spacious - I just loved it.

I needed some steps still to make my, so Jason and I walked to the Walmart that was nearby and picked up a few things that we needed.
It was a bit more of a jaunt than I'd expected but it was nice out so it was lovely.

When we got back to the house, the girls were all back from the dance party. 

We stayed in the lemon themed room in the basement, Jason went down to try out his new sneakers and he had a little stalker underneath the bed.

He spent the evening hanging out and playing with the girls - basically just doing whatever they told him to.
The rest of us kind of hung out in the living room - I got to have some snuggle time with Eden which was nice.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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