Tuesday 27 February 2024

Happy Valentine's Day (Feb.14, 2024)

Jason ordered himself a new pair of grippers for running and he took them out for the inaugural run this morning.

He sent me this picture a few km's in, one of the grippers fell off and he didn't even notice.

He does the same loop twice for his long run and the second time around he did find his gripper.
Needless to say though, he wasn't that impressed with them.


I had a 5k easy run on the training schedule for today, knocked that out on the treadmill on my lunch hour.

I ran it at a speed of 4.5 - I'm trying to make that my 'easy' speed.
It felt great to get it done and out of the way for the day.

Freya came to spend the afternoon with Jason and he picked up some clearance cookie decorating packs for her to play with.
She made this lovely concoction for Valentine's Day.

Always carrying Hazel around but surprisingly, the kitty doesn't seem to mind.

She decided to dress up Papa.

Doing all the actions too.
She looked super cute.

Kody brought Eden over for a visit.

Mom loves seeing her.

I normally buy Jason at least a Valentine's Day card but we aren't truly that big into celebrating it so this year I didn't get him anything then he went and surprised me with a card.

This is what he wrote to me - he just cracks me up so much.

I was able to get a couple more cutting board reindeer finished up tonight.

This one was actually just a square piece of wood, not a cutting board - still looks good.

These are ones I made yesterday.
That's more product ready for when I do a Christmas craft show next year.

Haylee posted a bunch of pictures of all of her loves so I thought I'd share.
The whole fam.

Haylee and her girls.

I love this one of Eden with all the lipstick kisses.

Here it is in color.

OMG - so adorable.

The apple of my eye - Miss Freya.

The other apple of my eye - Miss Eden and her Mama.

My boy.

So proud of the man he's grown up to be.

He and Haylee like trying new restaurants the same as Jason and I do.

A couple ideas of some things I'd like to make.

I think I could do this out of chip board.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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