Monday 12 February 2024

True Crime Shows, Outdoor Run and Girls for the Evening (Feb.11, 2024)

I woke up early and I felt rested so I just got up.
Made myself a coffee and found something to watch.

I settled on American Nightmare which is a true story and WOW, what an ordeal that couple went through.

Then I found another true story that was also shocking - the things some people do are just crazy.


I saw this on Instagram and I have a big candlestick like this that I wasn't sure what to do with - I think I might try something like this.

I had to run 5 miles or 8k today and it was sunny out, not too cold and not very windy so I decided to do it outside.
It's the first run I've done outdoors in a long time.
The sun was out and it was nice but there were some really icy spots so I had to take it slow and be careful.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

Not the best but I have an outdoor one under my belt for this training session so that's good.

The last little bit was tough so I was happy to be done

When I got back to the house, I had a nice long, hot bath.

I got this calligraphy set a few years ago and I never even opened it so I thought I would give it to Alivia.

I thought it would be fun to learn but I just never got around to doing it.

I took it and all the banana bread that I'd made and dropped it off to everyone.

I was shocked and saddened to see this show up on my feed.
He was so young - what a tragedy.

After supper, Kody asked if I'd like to have the girls over for a bit.
Of course I was happy to have them.

Eden and I did some snuggling.

Took some selfies.

She is such a little cutie.

Freya wanted to call a bunch of random people on messenger - she ended up settling for calling Grandma Crystal and when Zepplyn saw that she was at my place, she asked if she could come too so I told Crystal to bring her on over.

The girls did some coloring.

They were really just waiting for Jason to come home and as soon as he did, they were off to the basement to play.

Eden is growing up so fast - she's at the stage now where everything goes right to the mouth.

Freya wants to hold her all of the time - she wants to walk around with her so I convinced her to just hold her on the couch.

Snuggling Sisters.

After a bit of sister snuggling, Freya headed back downstairs with Jason and Eden was just kind of sitting there beside me, propped up with some blankets.

It wasn't long before she was out.

So I just sat next to her and cuddled her.

When she woke up though, she just started crying and she was inconsolable.
I tried feeding her and walking around with her but nothing would calm her down.
I didn't know what to do so I had to call Kody to come get her.

I think maybe he was just gassy because she had a really big burp and spit up on me, then I held her in front of the mirror so she could see herself and I finally was able to get her settled.

She likes me to hold her so she's looking out and she can see everything that is going on.
Kody had been on his way anyway to take the girls home.

After they left, Jason made us ice cream then it was off to bed.

Haylee posted this cute picture of her and the girls.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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