Thursday 29 February 2024

Tough Workout and Good Book (Feb.21, 2024)

I was kind of tired this morning and I normally do my workouts on my lunch hour but I just wasn't feeling up to it so decided to wait until after work.

After work I had planned on getting on the treadmill right away but that didn't happen and by the time I did get down there, I just wasn't feeling up to running.
So I decided to push my run to tomorrow but I did at least walk so that I could get my steps in.

I did a little running here and there just to get the steps in faster and I was just happy that it was over and done with for today.

One of my all time favorite movies is coming to live theater in Edmonton so I'm definitely going to look into going to see it if I can.

I spent the rest of my evening after my workout reading my new book and I ended up finishing it.
I think I would categorize is as a young adult or teen book so it was a quick read but really good.
I immediately went online and ordered the next two books in the series on Amazon.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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