Sunday 11 February 2024

Craft Room Purge Begins (Feb.3, 2024)

I was up early, had my coffee then I was looking through Facebook and found this cute idea for a craft.


It's so cute and I think it would be super easy to make.

I kind of decided to start cleaning out my craft room.

This is how it looked when I started.

I didn't really plan on pulling it all apart but once I got started, it kind of headed that way.

It was a pretty big disaster.

The main thing I wanted when I began was to get this filing cabinet out of here and go through it.
It takes up a lot of room and I really only need one drawer out of it for actual filing.

This place becomes my dump zone when I'm cleaning up everywhere else in the house.

Can't wait to show the after pics!
I spent most of the morning going through all the papers that were in the filing cabinet.

It was a really nice day out.
I was allowed to take a smaller filing cabinet from the office that wasn't being used so we went down and picked that up.

Then we went for a drive to the dump to get rid of a bunch of stuff that we had that needed to go there.
Freya thought it was great fun.

Back at the house, I continued on going through the craft room and Jason is keeping Freya busy.
She wanted to spend the night but then just around 9 pm when we were getting ready to start winding down for the evening, she announced that she wanted to go home, she missed her mom and dad and the baby.

So I got her ready and took her home.

Haylee posted a bunch of pictures from the year so far, I figured I'd share.

Eden and Haylee.

Kody and Eden - it's been so nice out that they had a fire in their neighbour's backyard the other night.




Freya and Eden.

The whole fam jam.

Love that little crooked smile.

Freya on the swing.
Normally at this time of year, the park is so full of snow that you can't even get into it but not this year.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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