Sunday 11 February 2024

Craft Room Re-Org is Complete (Feb.5, 2024)

Monday means weigh in day.

I was 209.6 lbs.

I was down .4 lbs, I was hoping to be down a little more but down is down.

I asked Jason to build me a couple extra things for organizing in my craft room.
He made this little shelf for my cricut.

Then he also made this shelf to go up on the wall.

This is the wall I'm going to put the shelf up on.
It's not very wide, just wide enough for some storage jars.

I'm considering making some curtains and I'm thinking of either this chevron looking fabric.

Or this burgundy flowered fabric.

I got a bunch of my wooden cutouts on this bookshelf for easy access.

And the closet now as more space for some storage bins.

Wow - I can actually see my desk.

We got the shelf put up and I got all of my stuff organized onto it.
Now I can see everything that I have and get to it really easily.

My shelf is looking great too - I'm so stoked that I can see all of this fabric.

I even still have some shelves that are empty and there is so much room for sewing now.
Yay - I can't wait to get started on some crafts now.
So the craft room is pretty much done now except I still need to make some curtains.

It was a rest day but I still had to get my 14,000 steps in and so when I got home from work, I hopped on the treadmill to get that done.

Boom - 14,000 steps complete.

I saw this online and thought it was super cute.
I think I might try making them but larger, as a pillow maybe.

Jason was doing some organizing himself and came across this record he forgot he bought.
We used to have a record player but it stopped working so we got rid of it.
We will have to get another one I guess.

I saw a rave review posted on Facebook for this book and for some reason it caught my eye for some reason and I'd like to read it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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