Monday 3 August 2020

Meet Dimples! (July 22, 2020)

My Honey and I got up early and headed into the city to pick up our new vehicle.

Meet Dimples!

It's a 'Used' 2020 Mitsubishi Outlander but it only had 35 km on it when we picked it up today so basically brand new.

We are both very happy about the purchase.

Still has that new car smell!

We made a couple of stops this morning on the way in to get a few last things for our trip.

Then we stopped at Opa's for some shrimp and chicken skewers before heading back home.

The canola is looking so beautiful.

When we got home, we packed up to head out on our trip to BC.
We are going as far as Rocky Mountain House tonight then on the rest of the way to Windermere tomorrow.

We got on the road a bit later than expected and we were all pretty excited to be on our way.

Mr H came with us.

So did mom.
We sent Miss A with R & C.
That way Mom and Mr H won't be so crowded and Miss A is company for Miss Z.

Our back seat crew.

He's learned how to whistle and he's so proud!

We saw a rainbow not too far outside of town.

He brought his own ipad but he took over mom's - guess it had better games on it.

Love seeing that pop of yellow canola.

The fields of it every where are so pretty.
It's hard to capture in a picture.

I thought the rays shining down through the clouds looked so pretty.

We were treated to a nice sunset.

It looked so pretty shining through the trees.

We went through Drayton Valley and saw the sign that said Rocky Mountain in 108 km so we figured we had about an hour more to go until we got there.

It had turned dark by this time and we drove for another 45 mins but for some reason it didn't seem right, we didn't seem to be getting closer to civilization, there were just trees and fields mainly.

So I went on my phone and checked the distance to Rocky Mountain House and it said we were 1 hour and 45 minutes away.
I was like what???
We should have only been about 15 minutes away at that point but obviously we took a wrong turn somewhere.

What a bummer that was.
We had to turn around and back track and then we realized we didn't have enough gas to make it all the way to Rocky so we had to back track again to go back to Drayton for gas.

It was kind of funny when we were turning around Mr H pipes up from the back
 "I thought we were going the wrong way but I didn't want to say anything to you guys"
Ha ha, that made me giggle.

So what should have been a 3.5 hour trip turned into a 6 hour trip.
It really sucked but there was nothing we could do about it.

The others in our traveling party made it to the hotel and checked in far before us.

Looks like they were having lots of fun too!

When we finally made it to our hotel, everyone else was asleep.
My son had stayed in our room with Miss A until we got there.

We were so happy to get to our rooms I tell you.
We'll have to pay more attention to our navigating tomorrow!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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