Monday 31 August 2020

Shopping and Birthday Preparations (Aug.21, 2020)

Both her Mom and Dad had to work today so we got to have Baby F for the day. 

We had to head to WCT for a few things and we were taking her with us.
Face Masks are mandatory in Walmart now so we made sure to bring Baby F's with us.
Doesn't she look so cute with it on?

I drove and My Honey sat in the back seat with her to entertain her which worked out really well.
We tried to make it quick and only went to a couple stores.
We took her in a couple then My Honey walked outside with her some while I was in one store and I stayed out with her while he went into another.

The least exposure she has the better.

I was working on cutting some of these out before I left and Mom offered to work on them for me when I was gone.
Her fingers are going to be so sore!

She was tuckered out and fell asleep on the drive home.

Aww, she looks so sweet when she is sleeping.

We got home and I worked on decorations.
I had blown up a picture of Elmo and printed it off on 9 sheets of paper.
I had to put it together like a puzzle, albeit an easy one.
Then I glued it to a cardboard back.
After it dried, I cut it out with an exacto knife.
It was a lot of work but well worth it I think.

Because it turned out so well, I decided to do a few others, like Ernie and Bert here.
I worked on them all night and I got everything cut out.
I thought the big ones would be hard but it was actually the smaller ones that were harder.
I'll make sure to take some pictures tomorrow of the finished products.

I did take some time out to sit and cuddle with my girl.

Trying to get Alexa to play Baby Shark.

My goodness - I just love her so much that sometimes I feel like my heart could explode.

I cooked up the cakes for tomorrow too.
Just white cakes but I made four of them, one of each of the primary colors.
I let them sit to cool and I'll ice them tomorrow.

We let her pick out a treat at the dollar store today and she picked this Frozen mat.
She was using it like a blanket.
Note who she has with her - her baby, Kermie.

We had her for most of the day because after they got off work, Mom & Dad went and did a round of golf but we didn't mind that one little bit.

Miss Z recently found out that she needed glasses and they went to pick them up today.
They look so cute on her.

Hopefully she'll keep them on.

I decided that I wanted to make a birthday banner for the birthday tomorrow too so I looked up ideas.
I was done with crafts for the night but I'll get up first thing and make something.

My sister took the boys on a vacation to Cavendish.

Looks like they are having a great time.

My how they are growing.

I sure hope they open up the Atlantic Canada bubble to the rest of Canada soon so I can go out for a visit.
I really miss them.

They were playing salon at my Auntie C's place - I do like the braid.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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