Thursday 6 August 2020

Enjoying the Journey! (Aug.5, 2020)

We had a nice sleep in this morning and checked out of our room just before 11:00 am.
I love being on vacation time - no deadline to be anywhere, we could just take our time.
We knew we were going to be spending a lot of time in the car today so we wanted to get some steps in to start off our day.
We walked up to Tim Horton's to get coffee's then we stopped at Sobey's to get some snacks for our trip, shaved honey ham is our current favorite!
There were some gorgeous flowers along our walk.

I just love all the colors.
So pretty.
I saw this Hello Kitty car at Tim Horton's and I thought it was pretty cute.

We tried the spinach omelet bites at Tim Horton's, only 1 WW pt each and they tasted pretty good.
We walked back to the car then and hit the road.
We stopped in Nordegg to have a look around.
Small place but pretty.
They have a lovely view of the mountains.
This is a golf course right here, pretty spectacular view for a golf course.
We went to an ice cream place and they didn't have any sugar free options but they did have homemade lime popsicles so we got one of those to share.
We sat next to the golf course to eat it and just enjoy the view.
Today is Miss A's birthday, she is now in the double digits.
This is an older picture her mom posted of her today.
We gave her a call while we were sitting eating our popsicle so we could wish her a Happy Birthday.
We are likely going to miss her birthday dinner this weekend but we will have her over and make a cake for her when we get home.
So long Nordegg.
Next stop on our journey was at this gorgeous lake.
I've always wanted to dip my toes in one of these glacial lakes, today is going to be the day!
What a spot!
The water is so blue and clear.
My Honey.

I did it!
It was freezing cold so I couldn't leave them in there for long but it was refreshing.
The sun was just a sparkling on the water and it was so gorgeous.
Trying to get a picture of myself with my toes in the water was hard but I managed.
He's tougher than me, standing in the freezing cold water.
What a babe!

A panoramic picture.

I just could sit and stare at that blue water all day long, it's so stunning.
I tried a different setting on my phone and this is what I ended up with.

We collected some driftwood along the rocks then we hit the road again.

A couple hours later we made another stop, this time at Herbert Lake.
This lake wasn't the same intense blue as the glacial lakes but it was still very beautiful and with the mountains framing it, WOW!
Mother Nature truly outdid herself in this part of the world.

Look how clear the water is, you can see right to the bottom no problem.
I really wish we had a kayak or a canoe - next time.
I considered jumping in and going for a swim but I didn't have my bathing suit on, I did dip my toes in though and it was much warmer than the water at the last place we stopped.

Enjoying our adventures today.
I think this is what the lake looks like at the property we just bought in NS (minus the mountains of course).

We brought a blanket with us and a picnic lunch and enjoyed it there by the lake.
Not a bad view huh?

There were some other people there actually jumping in to have a swim and I heard them say that the water was just lovely.

We sat and ate and took in the view for a while then it was back on the road.
Just another view of the mountains.
These views never get old.

We saw our first wildlife of the trip as we were getting into Golden.
We saw about 6 mountain goats within just a few minutes.
They were right there by the traffic but completely oblivious to it.

There was still snow on the mountains which was amazing because the sun was shining directly at it and it was a scorcher out there today.

Car selfie.
This section of road had about 4 long tunnels right in a row, kind of cool.

Look at all that snow!

The mountains are just so amazing.
Everything on the mountain looks so green and lush here and look at that snow, it's practically right beside us, I'm so amazed that's it hasn't melted.

We were surprised when we got to our rental place.
It looked like a storage unit.
But inside it was awesome.

The kitchen is great - everything is brand new.
There is a washer and dryer combo.
Two bedrooms, one had this bunk bed with a double on the bottom.

The master has a king size bed.
There is a view of some construction in the back but also some mountains.
The sun rays shining down look so pretty.
We took our luggage into our place then headed into town for groceries and supper.
We got a few things at the Save On Foods - we were stoked to find some Boom Chicka Pop White Cheddar Puffs!
Then we walked across the street to this place to have supper.
It was so nice out that of course we wanted to sit out in their patio area - luckily there was an empty table.
There was a view of the mountains.
Ready for some supper.
We had mussels in a green curry sauce and they were good - I could have eaten the sauce just like a soup, so yummy.

I ordered the lemon chicken with a side of greek salad.
It came with veggies too and they were cooked al dente, just the way I like them.
My Honey had a souvlaki wrap and a garden salad.
Even though we ate out, we still wanted to make healthy choices.

When we finished eating, I still had to get some more steps so we just went for a walk around the town and I kind of fell in love.
It's a quaint place and so glad we decided to come.
The weather was just lovely for a walk too.

Saw some artwork along the way.
Updated version of Mona Lisa.
Looks like they have Alley Galleries - can't wait to check it out further tomorrow.
A mural we saw.
Love the old clock.
A mama bear and her cub.

Miss H posted this picture from 1 year ago of Baby F, can't believe how much she has grown up.
We are really going to miss her this week!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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