Wednesday 12 August 2020

BC Round 2 (Aug.4, 2020)

Another gorgeous day here in the hills!
I was really busy but I did go out for a short walk this morning.
It felt awesome too!
A co-worker from another district stopped by for a visit today so we all went out to lunch at the golf course.
SV and our visitor, Miss E.
BH and I.

They don't actually have this on the menu but I got AB to whip me up a garden salad with a chicken breast up on top and it was delicious.

I ended up working a bit late but I got everything done that I wanted to.

When I got home, I quickly mowed the front lawn.
I knew My Honey wanted to get it done before we left so I really wanted to get it done for him.
Normally I have a hard time getting the lawn mower started but I was actually able to do it today and I was so proud.

After I mowed the lawn, I went in and packed my bag then waited for My Honey to get home from work.
When he did get home, he packed then we were on the road by 8 pm.

I drove because he'd worked all day so I figured he'd be tired - it was the least I could do.

We stopped in WCT and picked up a few things at Walmart then stopped again in Drayton Valley for gas.

So it was around 12:30 when we arrived at our hotel in Rocky Mountain House.
We stayed at the same place as last time because they were just so friendly and the clerk (who we think is also the owner) remembered us.
What a nice man he is.

We chatted with him for a short time then once we got to the room we pretty much went straight to bed.
We were both tired and ready for sleep.
Tomorrow we'll head the rest of the way to Revelstoke which is where we are going to stay this time around in BC.
That's all for today, until next time.

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