Wednesday 12 August 2020

40 Lbs Gone! (Aug.3, 2020)

It's weigh in day.
I was 232.6 lbs, that means I was down 2.4 lbs this week, woo hoo!

It also means I've reached 40 lbs lost now since April 23, so just over 3 months.
I am so proud and feeling so good.
I'm going to reach my goals this time, I just know it.

Today is a holiday so I had the day off but we are leaving to go on vacation tomorrow night so I went down to work for the day.
I have a lot I want to try to get done and I figured I'd get lots done at the office today.

It was kind of overcast this morning and windy but it turned into a nice day.

I didn't bother going home for lunch, instead I went out for a nice long walk and took in some of the sunshine.
I worked later than I planned but I got lots done.

I ran into mom's friend, DM, at the store when I stopped to pick up eggs and turkey bacon for supper on my way home.
She said she was going to drop over for a visit tonight so when I got home, I went into frantic clean mode.
The house needed it!

Then my son came over to hop on the treadmill and he brought Baby F.
She wanted Baby Shark as soon as she walked in.
She was trying to get Alexa to play it but she just says 'Lexa, Baby Shark', she misses the 'play' so Alexa won't follow her command.

She was trying on the remote too but still a no go.
She'll get it figured soon enough though.

She got our her 'glasses', she just loves those things.
She was putting on quite the act too for DM, she's quite the little performer.

I made turkey bacon and omelets for supper when My Honey got home from work.

She found a mini coffee cup in the cupboard and now it's 'hers'.
She loves filling it with water from the water cooler.

The turkey bacon was well done but she didn't mind.

My boy and my Mama.

She didn't want to go home with my son so we offered to walk her home.
It had to be Papa that pushed her though, not Grandma.

I told her to say 'cheese' which she did but I had a hard time catching her at the right moment.

I tried again and My Honey got in there too.
I caught this great shot but then she pushed him away and said 'No Papa, my cheese", ha ha!

When we got her home she DID NOT want to go in.
So we let her out of the stroller and kind of just let her roam around, she had no intentions of going in the house anytime but some pretty nasty clouds rolled in really quickly so we had to force her to in the end.

We even got my son to drive us home because it looked like a really horrible storm was about to arrive.
My Honey went out and secured everything outside then we had our popcorn snack and headed to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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