Tuesday 11 August 2020

Home We Go - Through a Lightning Storm (July 28, 2020)

We were heading home this morning so after coffee and breakfast, we got busy packing up and getting ready to go.

Baby F had a pretty little sundress on today.

We are really going to miss getting up and having her right there to spend time with all day long.

We had to take our garbage to the landfill so My Honey and I did that then we packed up all the vehicles and said good-bye to the house.

Then we hit the road.
Miss A went CP & RP so it was My Honey, my Mom, Mr H and I for the ride home.

I like these tunnels that we had to go through.

The scenery is so beautiful, I just want to soak it all in.

On the road selfie.

The ipad kept him very occupied.

Meanwhile, Mom had a nap.

The skies were so blue.

Just taking in the view.

What a handsome little dude!

This guy is pretty handsome too!
He also keeps his calm and that saved us today.

While we were driving, a car heading in the opposite direction came right over into our lane.
He was right over the yellow line and it happened so fast but also in slow motion too if that makes sense.
He was going to hit us and My Honey was just about to take the ditch when the driver of the other vehicle suddenly veered his car back over into his lane.

I don't know if he fell asleep or was distracted or something but I was pretty shook up for a while after.
My Honey handled it all so well and his quick thinking and calmness really saved the day.

Mom woke up from her nap.

Just WOW!

It's amazing that the snow on these mountains hasn't melted.

One more shot of that gorgeous blue water too.

It's just so vivid.

It was a long drive but Mr H was a champ.
We made a few stops so we didn't make as good of time as we would have liked, we did go the right way though so that was good.

We hit a pretty good lightning storm in WCT.
It was nice to watch until we got into the really heavy rain.

I was driving and My Honey captured these amazing shots.
It was quite the light show.

We dropped Mr H off at home.
Miss A was already there, the other travellers got home quite a while before us.

I was happy to be home and see the kitties although they did give us the silent treatment for the evening.

I found this recipe on social media and I can't wait to give it a try - I love cornbread.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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