Wednesday 12 August 2020

So Long Mountains, Trails and Glacial Lakes, Until Next Time (Aug.10, 2020)

We were heading home today and it's at least a 9 hour drive so we wanted to get some steps in before we headed out.
We figured if we got at least 5000 steps in we'd be halfway there and wouldn't have so much to do when we got home.

We walked by the trail again because it's so pretty.

I feel like I'm looking kind of puffy today.

I'm going to miss these views.
We thought we'd take this other trail that I found on the map that's part of the Greenbelt, it ran along the other side of the river.
However, it ended up being closed off due to the river bank eroding.

So we just walked around this residential area instead.

My Honey found a friend.

This name is everywhere.
It's pronounced ill-a-silla-wet.
I like interesting words like this.

I like looking up into the woods.

I saw more of these leaves shaped like giant maple leaves but these ones had red berries on them.

I liked this house.

Another nice house, I liked their house number.

It's rustic but I like that.

We noticed this guy in front of their garage and were taking a picture when the lady who lives there noticed us.
She came out to talk to us and she was very friendly.

I asked if I could take a close up of this guy and she said of course.
Her husband makes them and she said that he has them all over.

She brought us to see her back yard and I loved it.
It looked out over the river, they have a lovely spot.

I like this archway/trellis thing they have built.

I noticed another of her husband's creations peeking out of the shrubs.
We chatted for a bit then left her so she could continue with her chores.
She was off to feed her geese and they were honking impatiently.

This is the back side of their property, they have a view of the mountain and the river.

We ended up walking much further than we expected and when we got back to the room, we had both reached our 10,000 steps.

We packed up the car, cleaned up the room and then took one last look around before we left.
It was a great little place, we'd rent it again.

We stopped at one of the glacier lakes on the way home again.

That blue water is just so amazing, I can't get enough.

It was kind of rough out on the lake today.

The most amazing scenery (that includes My Honey)!

I wanted to dip my toes in the water one more time but it was so cold, I chickened out.

Wore my shirt that matches the water.

I feel smaller than I look but this is down 40 lbs and I'm really proud of that.

My Honey & I.

Aaaah, so beautiful.

Lots of other people were stopping to take pictures too.

Before we hit the road again, we had a little snack of hummus and rice crackers.

It was a pretty uneventful trip.
We headed straight for home because we were hoping to spend some time with Baby F tomorrow.

We did make a stop in Drayton Valley to get a birthday present for Miss A whose birthday we missed while we were gone away.

Usually the kitties give us the silent treatment for a day or so when we return from a vacation but not this time.
He was on my lap and snuggle right in as soon as I sat on the couch.

I don't think we've ever come home a day early from a vacation, it will be weird tomorrow to be in town and not go to work but I'm looking forward to it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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