Monday 3 August 2020

The Kootenay's, Lake Louise & Windermere (July 23, 2020)

We got a good night's sleep then we were up early to hit the road again.
We still had another 4 hours of driving ahead of us.

Everyone was in pretty good spirits this morning.

Guess he had a good sleep!
(Love his curls)

My Honey and I walked up to Tim Horton's to get some coffee for everyone and to get some steps in since we knew we'd be spending a lot of time in the vehicle again today.

When we got back, everyone was packed up and ready to go.

Parking lot travel plan meeting.

This is the hotel we stayed at in Rocky Mountain House and I just wanted to give a shout out to them.
They were so friendly and super helpful.
The booking was in My Honey's name but when we made the unfortunate wrong turn which added hours to our trip last night, we called them and they were very accommodating and allowed the rest of the party to check in to the rooms even they the rooms hadn't even been paid for yet.
They even remembered our names in the morning and were just really great.
I'll make a point of staying there again if we are ever in Rocky again.

We hit the road and it was such a beautiful day.

Seeing the mountains NEVER disappoints.

I just take picture after picture to try to capture the beauty but nothing compares to being right there.

We got to this one pull out and saw the rest of our party pulled over so we stopped in as well to take a couple of pictures.

The blue of this water is just so stunning.

Miss Z, Mr H and mom.

We posed for a few more  pictures with that blue water and the majestic mountains in the background.

My Honey and I stopped at this very spot on a trip to BC about 7 years ago and took some pictures.
It's still just as beautiful of a place to see.

My boy and Miss H.

Playing Peek-a-Boo.

Here I am!

Time for everyone to get back in their vehicles and carry on.

The vivid colors are just so amazing.

The closer you get to the mountains the more majestic they look.

It's pretty cool when the clouds are settled down around the mountains.

We sure are lucky to have this kind of spectacular scenery right in our backyard.

Another gorgeous blue lake.

Just more beauty around each corner.

Some of the mountain lakes are this emerald green color which is gorgeous.

Seriously, I just couldn't stop taking pictures.

I love the overpasses they have built for the wildlife to cross over.

We made a stop at Lake Louise.

My Honey & I and my mom had all been here before but nobody else had.

The hotel would have such amazing views.
Mom actually stayed at it once, she said it was beautiful.

We parked and walked up to the lake.


What a backdrop!

My son and his family.

CP (Miss H's mom).

It would be such a nice place to go out on a kayak or a canoe and you can rent them there but the line up to do so was crazy.

My little sweetie pie.
She was happy to be free of her car seat and running around.

The kids wanted to test out the water.

It's glacial water so it's pretty cold.

They didn't seem to mind though and might have gotten right in had we let them.
It's not really good for swimming though, too cold.

Just WOW!

The kiddos.

This is the hotel that looks out over that same spectacular view.

As soon as Baby F saw My Honey, she had to be up in his arms.

She was having a grand old time.

The ladies just taking in the view.

My boy and his baby.

Doing kid stuff!

Trying to balance on the rocks.
It was nice that they were able to expend some energy before we all had to get back in the vehicles again.


The kids all love My Honey and wanted to be in a picture with him.

One last shot of this gorgeous view before we leave.

I wouldn't mind staying here sometime.

It was super busy there so lots of traffic but this guys wasn't letting that get him down.
He was enjoying himself on the job - we loved it!

We had to make a bathroom stop so we found this place.

We would have liked to hike in and see the Paint Pots but it was a 2 km hike and mom wouldn't have been able to do that.
Maybe another time.

We did get to walk a bit and check out the pull out spot.

My Honey and Miss A checked out the wildflowers.

Mother Nature is just so amazing.

Checking to see if she likes butter.

This is how we did it when I was young.

If your chin turns yellow, then that confirms it, you like butter.
Miss A likes butter!

There were so many wildflowers.

Buttercups and these orange ones were pretty, not sure what kind they are.

I love when there are a variety of them all together.
Mother Nature's flower arrangement.

Buttercups are so simple yet so beautiful too.

These were gorgeous too.

We made it to our rental property in Windermere, hauled all of our luggage in then headed out right away for some supper at a restaurant in Invermere.


Because we were such a big party, they had to seat us at separate tables which was fine.

I sat with the kiddos.

She was practicing placing her own drink order.

Looks like they are mulling over the menu but really they are looking at YouTube videos on My Honey's phone.

Mr H took my phone and took this picture.

Everyone deciding what they want.

I went with the spinach salad.

He had chicken nuggets and fries.

My Honey had an omelet.

He sat at the kiddos table with me.

The kids were getting bored so were playing.
Luckily we were the only tables in the section we were in.

When we left, My Honey and Mr H saw a deer over in this field behind the restaurant so they went over to check it out.
The deer stayed there quite a while and posed for some nice pictures.

We stopped at a grocery store in town to get a few things for the week and this mural was on a building next door.

We headed back to our rental then and chilled on the gorgeous deck for the evening.

We had to move this storage container back because little miss loves to climb and first thing she did was to climb up and look over the railing.
The hearts of all us adults skipped a beat and we all went running.
Of course she didn't fall but we had a scare and anything the kids could climb up on we moved immediately.

Looking for space to put all of our supplies.

The owner had all of her own stuff there filling every nook and cranny so it was tough to find a place for all of our stuff but we managed (kind of).

We had a night snack.

Marshmallows are a good bed time snack, right?
We were all tired from traveling so we all headed to bed fairly early.
Looking forward to some exploring tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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