Thursday 6 August 2020

Canal Flats for the Day (July 25, 2020)

Good morning everyone!


I brought some of the pork sausages My Honey had made and that's what we had for breakfast, along with eggs and delicious ripe tomatoes.

Baby F was up early today and went right to her favorite place, Papa's arms.

Testing to see if she knows everyone's names, she does!

Good job Baby F!

Little game of frisbee going on out on the lawn.

Almost the whole crew was in on it.

While they played, Miss H, her mom (CP), mom and I all went into Ivermere to do some shopping.

This funky junk moose statue was downtown.

It was super busy downtown, so many people around, too many really for my comfort.

So we didn't stay long, only went to one place then headed back to the house.

We decided to take the kids to the beach today and some local guy Miss H talked to told her that there was a nice spot at Canal flats so that is where we headed.
The scenery on the drive over there was very pretty.

We found the beach no problem.
You had to pay a couple bucks per person but we didn't mind.
We lucked in when we got there because a family was just getting ready to leave so they gave us their picnic table and it was shaded (some of them weren't).

We dropped all of our stuff at the table and headed straight to the water.

The water felt cool at first but didn't take long to warm up.
The kids got in immediately.
I made sure I had my bathing suit this time and I went swimming too.
It took me a bit longer to get into the water but once I was in, it was lovely.

My son brought the dingy he bought - it was nice they got a chance to use it.

Baby F wasn't too plucky about getting in the water.
I held her in my arms in the water for some time but she only let me take her in about to her belly, she just didn't want to go further than that at all.
 So My Honey got out of the water and she stuck more to the beach with him.

She did go out on the dingy for a bit with Mom & Dad.

Trying to get going.

They're off!

Mr H was loving it, he was in the water pretty much the whole time.

The scenery surrounding the lake was beautiful.

Back from their little sail.

Keeping an eye on Daddy - he was heading back out with one of the other kiddos, he took all of them out for a ride.

She was ok with that because she got to play with Papa.

They looked for rocks together - she looooves rocks.

She was gathering handfuls of them and giving them to Papa to hold for her.

Here you go Papa.

I think she would have taken them all home with her if she could have.

They were pretty rocks.
This is how clear the water was, you could see the rocks through it perfectly.

Collecting rocks kept her entertained all afternoon.

My Honey just kept taking all the rocks she gave to him.

He had quite the collection in his pocket when we got home later that day.

She was throwing some of them in the water too which she found equally as fun.

My son swam out to the floating dock so he could jump off.

These two were still hanging out.

He was pretending he couldn't see her.

Running to 'hide', they were playing 'Hide & Seek' but she just calls it 'Seek'.

Miss Z was done with swimming, having a little snack.

Still running around, full of energy.

Hopping on Papa's back so he could take her for a walk around.

We spent a few hours there at that beach before heading back to Windermere.

The scenery here in BC just never gets old.

My son and Miss H ordered pizza and picked it up on the way home.

My Honey and I had a piece each but that was it.
We had brought shrimp with us and that's what we had for supper, less WW points.

We hung out on that fabulous deck after supper and guess where Baby F wanted to be.
Right up on Papa's arms.

Well for a while at least, until she decided she wanted to entertain us on the footstool.

She jumped on it like a trampoline for a few minutes but then I guess it looked comfy because she laid right down like she was about to have a nap.

CP picked up little craft kits for the kiddos so they worked on putting those together.

Mr H got a giraffe.

Baby F got a monkey but she let Mom make it.
She was more interested in sharing Dad's pizza with him.

Miss A was Facetiming with her Mom & Dad.
I think they were missing the kids.

Mr H's finished giraffe.
He did a great job.

CP got glow in the dark glasses for the kids so they worked on putting those together.

They were pretty cool!

Miss Z trying hers on.

Baby F had a pair too.

They were a bit big so she had to hold them on.

She soon tired of that.

So she 'helped' Mr H with his giraffe by taking some of the stickers off for him 😏
He's very sweet with her and tries to take care of her so he didn't mind at all.

It was nice to just all be able to be together even if we weren't doing much.

What a stud!

What a little performer she is, she just loves having a audience.

We let the kids do a couple more sparklers each before bedtime then we had another game of Skip-Bo with Mom.
My Honey won again!!
I guess we taught him how to play too well!

This made me laugh too hard.
It seems around the end of the summer, gardeners always seem to have zucchini to give away.
I like it myself so I'm not complaining, I just thought it was funny!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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