Wednesday 19 August 2020

Weigh In, Dentist and Baby F Time (Aug.17, 2020)

It's Monday!!!
That means back  to work for me.

It also means weigh in day.
I made it to the 220's, 228 lbs today.
I'm getting there!

That's a 2.6 lb loss this week, 45 lbs all together since April 23, 2020.
I am feeling great!

It turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous day out there today so I thoroughly enjoyed my walk this morning.

It was a busy day, I worked through lunch because I had to leave early to go to a dentist appointment for a cleaning.

Check out those pearly whites.
All good for another 6 months.

I made a couple quick stops in WCT then I headed home right away because I was picking up Baby F.
Miss H and my boy both had to work so Baby F was at a sitters with Miss Z until I got home to pick her up.

I got home at 6:30 and realized I didn't have a car seat to pick her up so I just walked over with the stroller and picked her up.
I thought it might be hard to convince her to leave her Auntie but she was happy to see me and when I asked if she wanted to come with Grandma, she came no problem.

Grandma gave her a chocolate treat as soon as we got to the house.

She sat cuddled up to me for a long time so I had to take lots of pictures.

She grew tired of them but I didn't.

I could look at her cute face all day long.

My Honey got home not much later and she insisted they put on their glasses.

Couple of cool looking dudes right there!

Dancing with Papa.

As soon as Papa arrived, Grandma was forgotten and it was all about Papa!

Especially when he got some pudding, bananas and whipped cream to share with her.

I think he would have been sharing whether he planned to or not - she just dug right in!

She liked it!

It was around 8:30 when my son picked her up.
It was nice to have her for the evening - we just love spending time with her.

I saw this Challenge on WW and I think I'm going to give it a try.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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