Tuesday 11 August 2020

Loving Summer Weather (July 30, 2020)

It was beautiful again today.
Finally getting some summer around here!

I got out for a walk this morning.

I saw this on the road and it kind of startled me at first.
I thought it was a large lizard.

Ha ha.
It kind of looks like a lizard but when I got up close I realized it was a piece of a truck strap tie down.

Went for another walk in the afternoon.

When My Honey got home from work, we went for a walk down to visit Baby F.

She was rocking her little tank top.

Dancing on top of Papa.

She's our little entertainer.

She went over and got in the dogs crate.

Is this the new puppy?

She wanted Papa to get in with her.

So he did.

He'll do anything she wants (within reason of course).

Dancing and singing with Papa.

Her kitty wasn't working so she brought it to Papa to fix.

She tried to help.

No go though so she got her baby instead and her bottle so she could feed her.

They read a book together.

Reading with Papa.

You had to find different things in the picture and she must look at this book often because she knew exactly where everything was.

We stayed later than we should have but it was nice to see her and we hate to leave.
We just feel lucky that we can spend so much time with her no matter what we do when we are together.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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