Monday 17 August 2020

Miss H Turns 21 and First Sleep Over with Baby F (Aug.14, 2020)

Yay, it's Friday!

I slept in until 9 am - It's too hard to go to bed early in the summer time so I tend to sleep in a bit later.

When I got up, I made my coffee and watched some When Calls the Heart.


I decided to go for a quick trip to WCT but wanted to get a walk in first and get at least half of my steps in.

It was a lovely morning for a walk.

After my walk, Mom and I headed to WCT.

We saw these cute plants on sale at IGA so we picked some up for Miss H, she loves plants.

We got her some flowers too - they are so pretty.

Today is Miss H's 21st birthday.

They had cake over at her mom's today.

My niece posted a Happy Birthday message to her with some cute pictures of them together over the years and I liked this one.

What a beauty she is, inside and out.

I was able to pick up some decoration supplies in WCT but not everything that I wanted.
I picked up a couple of roasted chickens for us to have for supper.

I was going to drop off Miss H's gifts to her but she was at work, she had to work until 7.
They dropped by after work though for a quick visit and to drop Baby F off.

They are having people over tonight so we offered to watch Baby F and we are even going to attempt our first sleep over with her.

She shared some of My Honey's desert with him.

Then we went outside to let her run off some energy.

She and My Honey watered the flowers together.

They had to do each plant twice.

Very serious about what she's doing.

We've not had any crazy hailstorms this year so my plants are doing the best that I've ever seen.

They kicked around the ball a bit.

This is the tree in our backyard that I just love.
I don't know what kind it is, I just love how full it is, so pretty.

It was a bit on the chilly side out there so Baby F actually asked to go back inside.

They watched some Baby Shark on YouTube.

She is obsessed.

She just always wants to be with him when she is here.

Chillaxing on the couch.

Then it was time to attempt bed.
My Honey got out glow sticks for her to play with.
I also had my tablet charged up so she could watch that.
We weren't sure how it was going to go but we were willing to give it a try.

I tripped in the Walmart parking lot today and scraped and bruised up my toes on my left foot.

And banged up my right knee.
It hurt so much at the time I was figuring that the damage was going to be worse but it's not so bad.
Doesn't look very good though.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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