Monday 31 August 2020

Lunch Date at the Park. (Aug.19, 2020)

I was off to work this morning and My Honey had a visitor. 

Mommy & Daddy both had to work today so My Honey was watching Baby F for the day.
He got her all set up in her little chair with her baby (Kermie) and put on some Baby Shark videos for her.
For some reason she's taken a liking to Kermit.

Talk about comfort!

Showing My Honey which video she wants to watch.

She's been trying forever to get Alexa to play Baby Shark for her and she finally got her to do it today.
I thought it was so funny how she whispered to her and Alexa whispered back.

My Honey decided to take her to the park to play for a bit so he sent me this picture of them packing their bag of goodies to go.

Meanwhile, I took advantage of the sunshine myself and headed out for a walk.

They made it to the park.
My Honey was sending me play by play updates of their doings all morning which I very much enjoyed.

Having a snack together.

Hard to tell whether or not she likes the yogurt from the look on her face.

They were still at the park when I went to lunch so I met them there.

They were watching YouTube videos while they ate.
I stopped at the store and grabbed hummus for my lunch.

Baby F tried it but she didn't like it.

She loved the blackberries though.

It was nice enough to run through the splash park so My Honey took a run through with her.

She thought that was great.

She was running around having a blast.

What I smile - I love it!

She took a turn pushing the stroller through the water.
I paid $2 for that stroller at the second hand store and it is one of the best purchases I ever made, we use it all the time.

She's gotten so much braver than the first time - she'll actually go in by the water now.

Chasing the kids around.

Trying to stop the water with her toes.
My Honey got some good shots of her which I'll share a little below.

She wanted to play with the big kids.

It was a hot day so the water felt good.

Russian Roulette baby style.

Luckily she got out of the way just in time - I think she'd have gotten quite the scare if it had turned back on while she was standing right on it.

Lucky again - all the water features work in sequence and she would go to each on after it turned off but would grow bored and leave before they turned back on.

Which was good - I wouldn't want it to scare her so much that she wouldn't want to go near it again.

Putting her toes in.

Where'd the water go?

Guess she was thirsty.

Trying a different angle.

These are some of the shots My Honey got.

Ha ha - just not quite close enough to get a sip.

Oh, she stuck her nose right in that time.

She was soaked but loving every minute of it.

Still trying to get a sip.

Another great shot My Honey got.

She was just having so much fun.

His camera takes really good action shots.

So cute.

I think these fountains are the ones she likes best.

Her facial expressions are priceless.

Like this one, ha ha.

She's graduated to sticking her head right in.

Playing 'Seek' with Papa.

This is her 'hiding' in the bush.

I wonder if she thinks we can't see her?
I had to head back to the office but she and My Honey stayed there for a few more hours and played.

He took some more cute shots of her which he sent to me.

I love this one.

Then they went back to the house and he threw her clothes in the dryer.

She was making faces at the camera.

When I got back home, she was tired but wouldn't lay down for a nap so we put her in the stroller and set out for a walk.
She fell asleep within minutes - poor little thing - she was tuckered out.

We put her on the couch when we got home and she napped for about an hour and a half.

She woke up hungry and it took me a few tries to figure out what she was asking for - it turned out to be a marshmallow.

I love it when she actually sits with me which isn't often because she is normally so busy.

When Mommy got off work, she came over and we went out and made giant bubbles.

It's fun trying to make them and there was no wind so it went much better today compared to the last time we tried.

She was chasing the bubbles trying to break them.

Aren't the giant bubbles so cool.

There's a big one.

Got it!

We chased bubbles for awhile then they headed on home.

Miss H dyed her hair today and got a new piercing on her lip.
She can pull off any hair color and still look amazing - I'm digging the lip piercing too.

We had salad, pork, potatoes and brussels sprouts for supper.

Then I got to work on party decorations.
I got these boxes from Walmart.

I taped two of them together like this to make a box.

Then I covered them with white paper.

I made five - one for each letter of her name.
Then I cut out colored paper and taped it around the edges to make it look like blocks.

I got them all done.

I'm happy with how they turned out.
Tomorrow, I will cut out the letters for her name on the cricut and then I'll have one project complete.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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